A. English Subject Objectives
1) To make good use of learning time to enrich learning experience and promote students’ whole-person development by:
a) creating more self-directed learning opportunities inside and outside the classroom
b) encouraging student participation by using e-tools and hands-on activities in English lessons
c) enriching students’ learning experience by developing Reading across the Curriculum materials
d) increasing students’ confidence by participating in internal and external competitions
e) arousing students’ interest by organizing English learning activities
f) enhancing students’ English by organizing interesting and diversified English enrichment classes
2) To promote Moral Education to foster students’ positive values and attitudes by:
a) arousing students’ awareness of law-abidingness
b) adding social and emotional learning into the English curriculum
c) fostering positive values and attitudes via English learning environment
d) promoting self-evaluation and reflection by enriching assignments
B. English Panel Development
Introduction of some high-order thinking skills, diversified teaching methods and the use of e-Learning help spark students’ interest in innovation and technology. In order to arouse students’ interest towards English and make teaching more effective, different teaching approaches and tools such as role plays, pair work, games, songs and poems are used in the lessons. We make good use of some popular apps in teaching and learning, such as iSolution, WordWall, Kahoot! and Padlet in self-learning, in-class practice and extended learning.
We encourage students to read more books by subscribing to online platforms with provision of interesting fiction and non-fiction books. Moreover, with iSolution (e-book), students can enjoy some interactive activities and the audio features also give parents support. Students from each level are required to challenge themselves on Oxford Achiever for the improvement in listening, reading, grammar, writing, speaking and vocabulary.
We always aim to engage students in active learning by organizing a variety of English learning activities. English Fun Days, World Reading Day, Chinese Culture Week, a number of English enrichment classes and participation in a range of English events and competitions provide good opportunities for students to improve and develop their confidence, abilities and competency of English.
C. Strengths and Characteristics
We have 3 NET teachers, including Miss Kommal, Miss Rachel & Miss Lovejeet. In KS1, our school has joined NET Scheme’s PLP-R/W Programme which adopts a holistic approach to language learning with the balanced incorporation of the four basic skills especially in reading and writing. For KS2, our school-based reading programmes help enhance students’ reading proficiency by reading fiction and non-fiction books. Moreover, our NETs help students cultivate reading habits by having shared reading sessions every Tuesday and Thursday.
D. School-based projects and external support
Supported by CUHK’s Dr Ho, Self-regulated Learning Support Project is joined in P3 (2021-22), P5 (2022-23), P6 (2023-24) and P4 (2024-25) and it helps students develop and practise their self-learning skills through tailor-made graded tasksheets and modified teaching procedures.
We will be also supported by EdUHK for assessment analysis and the target level is P2.
E. Awards / Honours
Miss Chin Tik Kar
Bronze Award in the English Language Education stream of English Language Education in the Outstanding e-Learning Awards
1) 第十屆元朗區小學生中英文書法比賽 (賽馬會萬鈞毅智書院)
小四英文硬筆季軍 4B 蔡易辰
小四英文硬筆優異 4C謝欣妤
小三英文硬筆優異 3B施俊豪
2) 2023-2024年度加拿大英文寫作大賽(雅卓盃)(The English Association of Asia)
– 加拿大英文寫作大賽(雅卓盃)現場初賽:
銀獎 5C楊奇霖
銅獎 4B陳俊宇 5B許心姚 6A嚴柏勛 6A張宇華
– 加拿大英文寫作大賽(雅卓盃)現場決賽:
銅獎4B 陳俊宇 5C楊奇霖 6A嚴柏勛
– 加拿大英文寫作大賽(雅卓盃)現場總決賽:
銀獎 5C楊奇霖
銅獎 4B陳俊宇 6A嚴柏勛
3) 大灣區資優創意徵文比賽2023 (君培資優教育、香港資優教育教師協會)
– (香港賽區)
星中之星 5B 梁澤濤
金奬5A郭俊延 5A石晞瞳 5D連思晨 6A井鑫蕾 6C陳芷琪 6D劉昊揚
銀獎6A陳嘉城 6A李梓瑗 6C陳澤𤋮
銅獎 5A喻晟澤 5D王楚文 6A陳梓悠 6A黃心怡 6D黃靜雯 6D何善行
優異獎 5A陳慕然 5A郭家銘 5A謝梓浩 5C楊奇霖5C廖紹傑 5C唐翊熹 6A趙志誠 6C廖梓婷 6D李圳荃 6D黃鈺涵 6D巫曉楠
– (深圳決賽暨頒獎典禮)
金奬 5D連思晨
4) 「2024年國家安全齊參與」計劃 (EDB)
2024國家安全寫作比賽 積極參與學校獎
2024國家安全校園壁報設計比賽 積極參與學校獎
2024國家安全校園壁報設計比賽 優秀英語作品獎
(獲獎作品一) 隊長:4B趙芷悠
隊員:4A周潔心4C廖芷蕎 4C謝欣妤4D陳浩軒 4D潘思齊
(獲獎作品二) 隊長:5A 曲思文
隊員:5A 蔡綺晴5A劉沛琋5B譚依洛 5D李家怡5D 余樂樂
5)第19屆小學生中英文現場作文比賽 (三育中學)
Merit 5C 廖紹傑6A 陳嘉城 6A黃心怡6A 劉書瑤 6A唐雨晗 6A顏旗澤 6A易善傅 6A嚴柏勛 6A葉靜雯 6A趙志誠6C 廖梓婷6D 李圳荃
Outstanding 5A 李定怡5D 連思晨
6) 第三屆香港中小學中英文硬筆書法比賽 (教育工作人員總工會)
7) 全港小學「兩文三語」菁英大比拼(第三屆) (香港教育工作者聯會)
8) 第18屆「開心英語朗讀」比賽 (KEA Learning International)
9) HKASA 全港兒童英文硬筆書法大賽 (HKASA)
季軍 4C 謝夢杭
金獎1A 曲佩文 1A 陳佳涵 1D 林沛賢 1D 劉芷君 1D 丁晟軒 2A 樊一霏 2A 麥凌菲
3B 黃思琪 3B 施俊豪 3C 余樂美 3C 鄒銘洛 4C 李 澄
(銀獎x21 銅獎x37)
10) Kidsbridge CNY writing competition 2024 (商務印書館)
銀獎 6A井鑫蕾