23-24年 T1 English enrichment classes
2024-1-26 18:00 | Mungsir – 英文科
In the 1st term in the school year 2023-24, our school helped students organize a number of enrichment classes during the Friday ECA period, after school on weekdays or at the weekends. The enrichment classes include English Creative Art Class (英語創意藝術班), English Performance Class (英語跳舞唱遊班), Happy Phonics Class (開心英文拼音班), Life Planning, English Conversation & Interview Class (生涯規劃生活英語會話及升中面試準備班) & English Ambassador Training Course (英語大使培訓課程).
Parents were willing to enroll the enrichment classes for their children. Due to the limited vacancies of each enrichment classes, students were selected based on the ‘first-come, first served’ basis.